Once you’ve decided to use voice broadcasting, it’s time to get started on creating your first one. But how do you create a voice broadcast and what are the guidelines you should keep in mind when doing it? Read on…

12 Tips to Create a Voice Broadcast | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Businessman working outside | Businessman with bicycle

How to Create a Voice Broadcast

There are two main ways to create a voice broadcast. These are:

Use Text-to-Speech Record Your Own
The easiest way to create a voice broadcast is with text-to-speech. Just type out your message, choose which accent you’d like it spoken in (US, UK, or Australian) and if you’d prefer a male or female voice. Then send. Another great option is to record your own voice broadcast. This enables you to convey far more than just voice – you can include sound effects, tone, humour, and more. Just upload it to the system and send.
Tips for Your Voice Broadcasts

When creating your voice broadcasts, keep these guidelines in mind:

  1. Know your Goal

Before you even start your voice broadcast, you need to know what it is you want to achieve. Your desired outcome will help define how you plan to get there with voice or if another channel will work better.

  1. Know your Audience

Once you know what you want to achieve, consider your audience. What are their interests? Share the information relevant to them (or something that will catch their attention) early in the broadcast so they’re more likely to listen to the end. You can even use tools like list segmentation to target the type of people who are most interested in what you have to say.

12 Tips to Create a Voice Broadcast | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Businesswoman on phone | Travelling businesswoman

  1. Use Personalisation

Personalise your message as much as possible. You can either do this by using our text-to-speech function that enables you to use customer data in the voice message itself, or you can create multiple audio recordings for different segments of your audience.

  1. Keep it Short

Keep your voice broadcasts to 30 seconds or less. Usually 15 to 20-second recordings perform best.

  1. Keep it Simple

Your listeners won’t have heard your recording as many times as you have – they’ll only hear it once. Keep it simple.

  1. Be Polite

Introduce yourself first and thank your audience at the end. Your message is interrupting their day in some way – do your best to ensure that they don’t mind it.

12 Tips to Create a Voice Broadcast | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Young woman on phone | African woman on phone

  1. Be Clear

Whether you use text-to-speech or you upload your own audio file, make sure your message is clear, either by being specific in your messaging or by speaking slowly and ensuring there’s no background noise or echo in the audio.

  1. Be Yourself

As you’re contacting your audience in their personal space, it’s important that the tone and content of your message is relatable and in line with your brand. Be real and authentic to get the most engagement.

  1. Call to Action

Sending any kind of business or marketing message is pointless unless you give your audience something to do with the information. Whether it’s visiting a website, sending an email, or just staying tuned for more information, guide them on the next steps.

  1. Be Compliant

The POPI Act prevents you from contacting anyone who hasn’t opted in for your communications – so don’t send unsolicited messages. The Consumer Protection Act also requires you to include an unsubscribe message in your audio file. With Everlytic, listeners can press 9 to unsubscribe; we add three seconds on all voice broadcasts for this.

12 Tips to Create a Voice Broadcast | Everlytic | Digital communication software | Email marketing | Woman working on phone | Business woman on phone

  1. Master Call Time

Like we mentioned in point 6, voice broadcasting involves contacting people in their personal space. Make sure you send your message at a time that’s most convenient for them during normal business hours.

  1. Analyse & Practice

Use our detailed reports to analyse the impact of your voice broadcast and tweak as you go so you can get better at it with practice.

Ready to get started with your voice broadcasting journey?