Before you can compile your content strategy, you need to pre-plan (something we cover in depth in our new white paper email series Content Marketing Strategy: How to Maximise Your Digital Content to Grow Your Business). And part of this pre-planning includes developing your content marketing mission statement.

Developing your Content Marketing Mission Statement | Content Marketing Strategy: How to Maximise Your Digital Content to Grow Your Business | Everlytic | Blog image | Teamwork

What’s in a Content Mission Statement?

Joe Pulizzi, the Founder of Content Marketing Institute (CMI), says that a content marketing mission statement pieces your content marketing purpose and goals into an answer to the question “Why does this exist?”

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.”
– Simon Sinek

A content mission statement should include three main things:

  1. Your Target Audience: Who you’re talking to
  2. Your Content Types: The information and media that you’re qualified to share
  3. The Audience Outcomes: Why they should care about what you say
Developing your Content Marketing Mission Statement | Content Marketing Strategy: How to Maximise Your Digital Content to Grow Your Business | Everlytic | Client relationships | Blog image

For example, according to the same article from CMI, the online and print magazine publisher has a content mission statement that says:

“Welcome to, the place where entrepreneurs and business owners can find useful information, advice, insights, resources and inspiration for running and growing their businesses.”

What to Do with a Content Mission Statement

Once you’ve created your mission statement:

  • Publish it where your audience can find it easily

This transparency will help set expectations and promote signups.

  • Share it with your team to get everyone involved

This will help to keep your team pledged to your higher purpose.

  • Use it to help you decide what content to create (or not create)

This works as a kind of litmus test to keep your content in line with your goals.

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For more information on pre-planning and compiling a content marketing strategy for your business, click on the link below. More titbits from these white papers will also be published on our blog over the coming weeks, so watch this space. ????