Flight Centre | Case Studies | Everlytic


Flight Centre wanted to serve relevant travel offerings to their subscribers based on data like:

  • Travel destination
  • Buyer personas
  • Travel interests
  • Purchase history
  • Shopping preferences


To create a personalised experience for users and increase travel enquiries.

Target Market

All Flight Centre’s email subscribers.


Dynamic content, like header copy, header image, layout, and pricing, was used to provide a personalised experience based on the subscriber’s:

  1. Departure point: where users are travelling from
  2. Buyer persona: one of five different travel personas (Culture, Adventure, Family, Luxury, Relaxed, or Generic) compiled based on available user preferences and purchase history

The Results

Dynamic content helped Flight Centre’s emails achieve overall results of:

  • A 6.9% higher open rate
  • A 4.5% higher click-through rate
  • A 4.5% higher click-to-open rate
Email Sections | Everlytic | Flight Centre Boosts Website Traffic from Email by 388.72% with Dynamic Content

The Results

Dynamic content helped Flight Centre’s emails achieve overall results of:

  • A 6.9% higher open rate
  • A 4.5% higher click-through rate
  • A 4.5% higher click-to-open rate

Departure Points Only:

On the emails that sent dynamic content based only on the users’ location, the results included:

  • A 69.7% increase in website traffic from the emails
  • A 106.45% increase in email user enquiries on the Flight Centre website

Persona Personalisation:

The emails that sent dynamic content based on the subscribers’ buyer personas achieved the best results of all, including:

  • A whopping 388.72% increase in website traffic from the emails
  • A 153.75% increase in email user enquiry submissions on the website

Success Factors

The massive success of these mailers was thanks to a combination of factors, including:

  • Dynamic content: Pricing, content, imagery, and layout was customised according to user location and persona
  • The subject line: These included personalisation and / or emojis
  • Preference centre: This allowed Flight Centre to gather user data and send targeted content
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