Connecting with the Generation you are Talking To
There are 3.9 billion email users in the world, across every generation. But, while every generation uses it, some use it differently to others. How can you customise your emails, so they connect with the generation you’re talking to? Here are some tips on how you can make email communication with any generation a success.

Baby Boomers (Born between 1946 and 1964)
Baby Boomers are currently the oldest generation in the workforce. Some are retired but many are also working part time. Interestingly, Boomers shop online just as much as Millennials. But they favour sites they’re familiar with, so trust is essential to them and will persuade them convert.
When making purchases, this generation seems to appreciate having human interaction for order confirmations and answering any questions they might have. You should consider having a “Call Us” button in your emails to accommodate them.
Boomers are also patient and take their time, which might lead to a long purchase life cycle. They prefer longer text explanations, so if you’re targeting Boomers, using email automation can be a great way to convert them.
Gen X (Born between 1965 and 1980)
Gen Xers behave differently from Gen Z and Millennials as most of them still use desktops rather than laptops, smartphones, or tablets.
This is a busy generation, yet they still find time to be online. In fact, 80% of Gen X’ers say that they can be found on Facebook and Twitter. Email marketing is still one of the best ways to communicate with this generation. They appreciate emails that offer loyalty incentives, like VIP or rewards programmes.

Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996)
Millennials are avid texters, they love social media, and email is their preferred channel of communication. Because of this, text messages have impacted the way they use email; with them even using emojis in their work communication. So, to get their attention in an email, use informal language and include emojis in the subject or the email body.
Gen Z (Born between 1996 and 2015)
Gen Z is the generation of digital communities, so most marketers use social media to target them. They also seem to have the ability to sort through and process information faster than other generations. Their inboxes are often full of emails as it plays a part in their purchase decisions.
Many Gen Z’ers use email to remain in touch with brands, businesses and retailers. With their hyper-processing filter always activated, make sure you break through the noise by having a personalised subject line and visual messaging optimised for both mobile and pc.

Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z’ers are different in many ways, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the ones we don’t understand yet. Use the tips in this blog post to make your emails more effective for everyone.