Old Mutual and Mirum Case Study | GIF demo

Old Mutual | Plan your dreams


Everlytic and Mirum Agency collaborated on a dynamic email template that’s triggered via API when prospective Old Mutual clients submit a questionnaire on its mobile app. Mirum built and now maintains the app, while Everlytic coded the email template and the triggers that send personalised, app-relevant email content to each contact.


Old Mutual’s Dreams app is used at selected events and is intended to determine the audience’s financial dreams and goals. With this information, Mirum wanted to trigger targeted email content to each app user, so Old Mutual could generate rich leads and educate consumers on its different products.

Target Market

As Old Mutual’s services are broad, its target market is extensive too. According to the app’s specifications, the audience included:

  • Students
  • Working groups
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Retirees
  • Professionals


Everlytic created one email template with two static sections (that send the same content to all subscribers) and seven dynamic ones (that send only relevant content to different segments of the target audience, depending on their answers in the questionnaire), saving it as an autoresponder in the platform. We then created seven custom fields for each dream and a trigger that sends an email to each contact after they’ve subscribed via the app.

After a contact submits their three dreams in the app questionnaire, the API call to Everlytic includes a reference to the custom fields they’ve selected. This triggers an email to that individual, displaying the dream content specific to them. It also includes personalised calls-to-action for each dream, linking to an Old Mutual solution that guides the contact on how to achieve it.

The Results

Two days into the first event, about 2000 new subscriptions were recorded in Everlytic. Because Everlytic removes duplicate contacts in the system, contacts were able to submit app responses multiple times without being bombarded with duplicate emails.

The engagement on the emails was also much higher than average. The open rate, for instance, was 51% (that’s more than double our 2018 benchmark of 24.65%) and the click rate was 3% (compared to our 2018 benchmark of 2.98%). A remarkable result, thanks to our successful implementation and collaboration between agency, client, and us.

Success Factors

Email is one of the most cost-effective ways to communicate with customers. For Old Mutual, their email success factors in this case included:

  • Catchy subject lines
  • Segmented bases that ensure accurate targeting
  • Screen optimisation for email, website, and landing pages
  • Email personalisation
  • Fun calls to action
  • Optimal timing
  • Exclusive email offers
  • Reminder emails to those who purchased the week before, keeping Old Mutual top of mind

Why it was Successful?

The following Everlytic features helped to achieve these results:

  • Clean & clear subject line: Old Mutual | Plan your dreams
  • Custom fields – created in the system and specified via API every time a new user registers
  • Autoresponders – how the email template is created in Everlytic, so it functions as an automatic response to a trigger
  • Triggers – sends the autoresponder when a contact submits the app questionnaire
  • API Integration – allows the app to speak seamlessly with Everlytic, so Old Mutual can seamlessly and automatically trigger the email delivery
  • Professional template creation – allowing Old Mutual to instantly and automatically send hyper-personalised messaging to its app users
  • Personalised content – content and name personalisation sent at the right time means that the subscribers know what they’re receiving, it’s relevant to them, and they want to read it
  • Dynamic template – custom coded by one of our developers, so contacts receive email content that’s relevant to them
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