Landing pages are one of the cornerstones of purposeful marketing campaigns. Whether driving leads, promoting a product, or encouraging sign-ups, a well-crafted landing page can significantly improve your conversion rates. Walk with us while we discuss current best practices for ensuring your landing pages are functional and highly effective in converting visitors into business clients.

Create Landing Pages that Work

Approach your Landing Page with Purpose

A landing page is a focused, goal-oriented space that guides visitors towards a specific action.  Unlike your homepage or other web pages, which may have multiple purposes, a landing page is laser-focused on achieving a single objective—whether that’s capturing leads, making a sale, or promoting a special offer.

The key to a successful landing page lies in its simplicity and clarity. Every element on the page should work towards that one goal, eliminating distractions and providing a seamless path for the user to follow.

Landing pages can vary widely depending on their purpose and the target audience. Each type of landing page is designed to achieve a specific goal, and the choice of landing page depends on the desired outcome of the campaign or initiative.

Here are seven of the most common types of landing pages to  help you get started:

  1. Lead Generation Landing Pages
    A lead generation landing page collects contact information from visitors in exchange for an offer (like an eBook, webinar, or free trial). Some of the key features you will find on this page are a form to capture information, a strong call-to-action (CTA), and minimal navigation to reduce distractions.
  2. Click-Through Landing Pages
    A click-through landing page is used to convince visitors to click through to another page (often this would be a sales page). It usually features persuasive copy, engaging visuals, and a prominent CTA button leading to the next step.
  3. Sales Landing Pages
    You would use a sales landing page to sell a product or service directly. This page will share detailed product or service information, testimonials, pricing, and a strong CTA to get readers to take immediate action.
  4. Product Details Landing Pages
    These are meant to showcase a specific product, often as part of a campaign. It features product images, detailed descriptions, features, benefits, reviews, and a CTA to purchase or learn more.
  5. Event Registration Pages
    This kind of landing page promotes an event and encourages visitors to register. Some key features include the event details (date, time, location), registration form, speaker information, and an agenda.
  6. Coming Soon Pages
    These types of landing pages are meant to build anticipation for a new product, service, or website. They usually contain teaser content, a countdown timer, and often an email capture form to notify visitors when the launch occurs.
  7. Unsubscribe or Exit Pages
    This landing page confirms an unsubscribe action or provides alternatives to leaving, like reducing the email frequency. You will usually find a confirmation message, options to adjust your preferences, and sometimes a feedback form to understand why the user is leaving.

Current Design Trends for Landing Pages

The current design trends for landing pages are all about efficiency, personalisation, and user experience. Here’s how these trends are playing out:

Currently, less is more. Minimalist designs are dominating,  not just for their aesthetic appeal but because they enhance user focus. Stripping away unnecessary elements allows the core message and call-to-action (CTA) to stand out. The key is to be purposeful with your minimalism. Every word, image, and button must serve the landing page’s primary goal.

 With advances in AI and machine learning, landing pages are becoming increasingly personalised. Dynamic content that adjusts based on user behaviour, location, or previous interactions is becoming an expectation rather than a luxury.

Mobile traffic continues to rise, and with it, the importance of mobile optimisation. A mobile-first approach ensures that your landing page is fully responsive, loads quickly, and provides an excellent user experience across all devices.

As attention spans shorten, video and interactive content become go-to tools for engaging users. A short, compelling video can communicate your value proposition far more effectively than text alone. At the same time, interactive elements like quizzes or sliders can keep users engaged longer, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Get more guidance on best practices for landing pages, and see some examples of what works and why.

Key Elements to Use when Creating High-Converting Landing Pages

Include these simple and effective key elements to create compelling landing pages that lead to higher conversion rates:

Grab Attention with a Compelling Headline
Your headline is the first thing visitors see and should grab their attention immediately. A strong headline conveys the value proposition and entices the user to stay on the page. It should be concise, benefit-focused, and aligned with the ad or link that brought the user to the page.

Write Concise and Persuasive Copy
Once the headline has captured attention, the rest of the copy needs to do the heavy lifting. Keep it concise, persuasive, and aligned with the user’s intent. Highlight the benefits, not just the features, and clarify what action the visitor should take next.

Guide the Eye with a Strong Visual Hierarchy
A well-structured visual hierarchy guides the user’s eye through the page, making it easy to digest the information. Use larger fonts for headlines, contrast for CTAs and strategic placement of images and whitespace to direct attention to where it’s needed most.

Build Credibility with Trust Signals
Building trust is important, especially when asking visitors to part with their personal information or money. Incorporate testimonials, trust badges, and case studies to provide social proof and build credibility.

Create a Clear and Bold CTA
Your Call-To-Action button is the gateway to conversion. It should be prominently placed, visually distinct, and action-oriented. Use strong language like Get Started, Download Now, or Sign Up Today to encourage immediate action.

Power up your marketing toolkit with a landing page builder that does all the heavy lifting!

Three Effective Ways to Optimise Your Landing Pages

Creating a landing page is more than just a one-and-done task. To truly maximise its effectiveness, you need to engage in continuous optimisation. Here are three ways you can improve  your landing pages:

  1. Use A/B Split Testing Strategically
    Regularly test different elements of your landing page, such as headlines, images, CTAs, and colour schemes, to see what resonates best with your audience. A/B split testing allows you to compare variations and make data-driven decisions on what version to implement.
  2. Gain Valuable Insights with Heatmaps and Analytics
    Tools like heatmaps and reports on analytics give you insights into how users interact with your page. By understanding where visitors click, how far they scroll, and where they drop off, you can make informed adjustments to enhance user experience and increase conversions.
  3. Optimise Your Conversion Rates
    Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) is an ongoing process of refining your landing page to improve the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action. This involves analysing user behaviour, testing hypotheses, and implementing changes that lead to better results over time.

Drive Results with Efficient and Engaging Landing Pages

By understanding the latest trends and knowing the key elements that lead to simple, efficient, and engaging landing pages, you can attract more web visitors, keep their attention, and turn them into clients. Optimise your landing pages for success and be unstoppable in your next marketing campaign!

Build High-Converting, Responsive Landing Pages with Everlytic

With Everlytic’s intuitive landing page builder, you can quickly and easily build landing pages that achieve even your biggest high-conversion goals. Everlytic’s responsive landing page templates ensure your pages look good on all devices!